Archive for the 'Christian Network' Category

Christian Fitness Enthusiast Discusses The Truth

Today my friend Mike Harris discusses his transformation and his FAITH in Jesus along with his amazingly fit life.

Please look at his before and after pictures.  This is a very well written article talking about one man’s journey to faith and in the end all praise belongs to Jesus!

Without further ado here is Mikes story:

“I became a Christian late in life—I was about 40 years old when I surrendered control of my life to God that Friday afternoon in 1986. And I grew up in a home that was essentially secular so I really had no preconceived notions about exactly how a Christian should deal with everyday things like physical well-being and participation in sporting events and competitions. Before becoming a Christian I had been interested from a purely spectator perspective in the sport of bodybuilding, but I wasn’t really sure whether that was something I could do and still be a “good” Christian.

As I looked around my church, it seemed like the answer to my questions must have been “no” based on what most of the folks there looked like! They were plump and pretty much sedentary for the most part. But the senior pastor was a guy who was fit, and who seemed to enjoy rigorous activities so I just asked him my question.

The pastor basically assured me that maintaining the “Temple of the Spirit” was indeed important, especially if we wanted to be the kind of Christian who was interested in evangelism. He pointed out that Christians have exactly the same needs and abilities to stay healthy as everyone else, but that we were also supposed to be good example setters. He asked me what I thought when I saw a particularly rotund pastor on TV, and whether I thought the appearance he made helped or hurt that pastor’s ministry in any way. I got the point.

The pastor went on to say that good health is a gift of God just like all the other things we have and that good stewardship of our bodies helps us to become disciplined and effective in other areas as well. He told me that when he ran track at a Christian college, he loved the feeling of winning, and he likened soul-winning to that feeling. He believed that the Holy Spirit put in our hearts a competitive fire to bring as many people to Christ as possible, and that maintaining a competitive and winning way in our sporting life would help stoke those fires within us.

He closed our conversation by urging me to guard my heart, and to put my time with the Lord ahead of all other things, and to keep sports activities as a priority, but as a lower one than God, family and job.

I’m nearly 63 years old now; too old to ever become a top body builder or even a decent amateur body builder now. But, I work out like most body builders, and most people think I look pretty good for my age. When I was 60, I won my age division in the Body for Life national competition. At Columbus Ohio, there was a beautiful celebration for the winners, and one of the things we got to do was to tell people how important the winning of the Body for Life contest was in our lives. I began my short presentation by pointing out that there were several other things that came ahead of it, and when I told them about Jesus being the most important, the applause went on and on. How fitting that He got the glory that night.”

Thanks you Mike for helping others and being the best you can be.  To read more about Mike’s life just click here!

What is the key to weight loss?

Is it your diet?  Is it exercise?  What is it that makes someone lose weight and stay trim and fit?  It is in one simple word “faith” or “belief.”  If you think you can just diet and exercise your way to success but not believe you will never be successful with staying fit, trim and healthy.  In the same manner if you believe you can do it but than sabatoge it with no or little action that will not work either.  Listen below as Jeremy Likness author of “Lose Fat not Faith.”  For more information or to order is book just click here.

Lifting For Christ

Does true inspiration ever leave a person? I am not sure of this answer but I do know this… I know that when you are truly inspired and you are doing good for the world nothing can get in your way. When you are inspired you will fight for something you believe in and never give up. Watch as these men are inspired to lift amazing amounts of weight.

God holds onto his children

God holds onto his children

Nutrition Tip

The nutrition video tip below is all about soda. Although cutting soda is a great plan, if you do not want to do that but you still want great results. Chose one reward day per week where soda is included. In the end moderation is key in everything.

The Challenge

Hello faith and fitness readers.  This a challenge to you.  I am going to be donating money based on the number of hits and comments that are on here.  The charity that I am going to give money towards is the task force on family violence which protects children and women mainly.  They are a great company and I support them 100%!!  I am going to do $1 per comment about what you want on here or what you like on here.  In addition I am giving 10 cents per hit.  Why am I doing this?  Two reasons one to get more people to the blog and secondly because I want to give money to that charity anyways:) Please feel free to browse around.  I am going to run this challenge until Sunday June, 16th. I will have a cap on the amount I will give but I do not know what that will be. I also have know idea if that will be a concern. Time will tell.

A Son’s Hero

I know my father taught me:
Hard Work
Passion and Enthusiasm

Watch this father and son story and be inspired.  A true testament to love, hope and accomplishment!

Faith and Fitness of Children

I am so grateful to have an awesome niece and nephew.  They both love to exercise and they both love certain sports.  Watch as they each wanted to show you a quick workout… Enjoy!

Mariah sings about her faith as well:)

Exercise Bloopers and Infomercials!

God must have a sense of humor letting people think these things.  These commercials make you laugh and think… “you have got to be joking”

Is there a Pain Free Life?

Today’s Fitness Professional and expert is my good friend from Texas, Steve Payne.  It has been a blessing to get to know Steve despite being  on opposite parts of the United Sates. Steve is a long time veteran in the fitness business and has helped countless people get fit, and lose weight.  To read even more about Steve you can click here.  It makes sense that a man with a last name Payne would write about pain in our lives.  Thanks Steve for a great article!

Athletes and Pain

…neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. – Revelation 21:4

Nothing can be more discouraging to an athlete than a nagging injury. To play with pain is more often a greater challenge than meeting and defeating an opponent. Pain often indicates a serious injury that can keep a player from practice and their participation in a game. An individual’s reaction to pain will oftentimes determine their level and degree of determination and enthusiasm with which they play.

The avoidance of pain is quite natural to our behavior. It’s all in what we prepare for and grow accustomed to. A 250 pound tackle who both takes and gives blow after crushing blow may faint at the mere sight of the nurse with a needle. The man who jumps rows of cars while on the back of a motorcycle may shy away from the invitation to crawl upon the back of the bucking bull in a rodeo.

The thought of enduring pain would always seem to be on the mind of the quarterback as he stands confidently in the “pocket” waiting to launch a pass as tons of competitively minded, testosterone filled humanity is bearing down upon him. These same thoughts must surely pass through the mind of the receiver waiting to catch the pass.

The player who’s been out of action for a time because of injury is encouraged as the pain subsides and begins to leave his injured limb with each passing day’s workout. In this instance, one must be willing to endure the pain of conditioning in order to replace the pain of injury. As stated before by a great coach, “You can live with the pain or you can play with the pain.”

I believe that we can safely say that pain is a cold, hard fact of life. In my nearly 49 years of life I’ve endured over 30 broken bones (had my nose broken 6 times), had stitches 11 times, the last time I sewed myself up, and have dislocated both shoulders and four fingers. One of my old coaches told me after a rather severe crash into a much larger opponent, “You are either in pain now or you’re going to be. Deal with it.”

In Matthew 13:21, Jesus spoke of a type of reaction to pain. This person without “roots in himself” can only endure a short time. “Tribulation or persecution” eventually causes him to be offended (discouraged), and he becomes a dropout.

Jesus also said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33)

There is a time coming when God will wipe away “all the symptoms of pain…tears from their eyes, no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying.” That’s when we’ll be with Jesus in eternity. But that day will not come without much pain and heartache here.

Have you prepared yourself?

God bless you,

Steve Payne

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Is this your type of workout?

Sometimes our sense of reality is off. This guy makes it funny!

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